Friday, January 7, 2011

Believe in...

I spent the week with my students. 28 of the most amazing women from all walks of life, from all parts of the world. It was a great week and while on one hand I am a bit tired, I am also a bit wired.

You see, for me coaching people has so many levels of satisfaction.

  • I love the fact that I am helping someone make changes in their lives that are going to improve the quality of life for them and their families. Some of these changes are really big and others are teeny tiny but I know that they will all have an impact.
  • I love to hear the excitement in their voice when something clicks or as Oprah would say, their Aha Moment.
  • I love to note the change in their attitude from the beginning of the call to the end of the call.
  • I love it when I give them a suggestion and I know it resonates and they get all excited to go try it.
  • I love feeling like I'm making friends all over the world with some of the coolest women around.
  • I love how they mirror for me what I need to remember for myself.
  • I love that giving them advice and encouragement gives it right back to me.
  • I love that I am helping these women go out and change the world! That's a big ripple effect.
  • I love that I can stay home in my cozy and warm home and touch lives across the globe.
  • I love that I can doodle and paint throughout the day.
The above painting was created in between calls and finished up at the end of the day. I had created the doodles and decided to leave a space for a word, I didn't know what that word would be.

I think believe started whispering in my ear as an affirmation that it is time to believe in myself.
  • To believe that I am good enough.
  • To believe that I can help people.
  • To believe I have something to offer.
  • To believe that what I am doing, even when I feel like I don't know what the heck that is, is perfect for where I am right now.
  • To believe that I can have, that I am abundant right now!
  • To believe in my own abilities.
  • To believe in my talents.
  • To believe that everything that has happened in my life, good or bad, has served me well and gotten me to this point in my life.
  • To believe that my life is mine to live and that I can create it any way I see fit.
  • To believe I have everything I need right now.
  • To believe that I am on the right path.
  • To believe, to believe, to myself!
And because I believe so strongly that if you are reading this, I am acting as a mirror for you. I invite you to check in with your beliefs and see if they are serving you. What positive, empowering beliefs can you incorporate into your life so that you can begin to live your life from a place of confidence and self love?

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!! I believe you are right there is mirroring going on even just reading your post - I am going to have to read it again. Love the painting - would be a great little note card:)
