I created this little stone for my son to take with him in his pocket to Australia. He is going to be gone for 3 weeks! That's a long time for a boy to be away from his family...well, it's a long time for a mommy to be away from her baby. Maybe I need to make one for me while he is gone.
I kept it simple. Boys don't want anything frilly. I will give it to him when I take him to the airport. No telling Mimi! :o)
So sweet. I remember the first time my daughter went away like that (for 3 weeks in Canada) - I snuck a little stuffed bear in her suitcase as a surprise. She later took that same little bear (Mr. Bojangles) to college with her and I think she still has it (she'll be 28 this year). I know your son will treasure this little gift from home.