"I miss Ed. It's weird to be here without him...I have to stop living in the "only ifs" and live in the now! I am sitting in gorgeous weather listening to the kids playing in the pool. It's a great day! I've been thinking a lot about abundance and I feel as if it is tied a lot to gratitude. When I am in a place of gratitude for everything in my life I am rich in abundance. When I am wanting more and not connected to what I have I am connected to lack and longing and I am focused on what I don't have...The trick is to continuously bring myself back to gratitude and abundance. But how do I learn to strive for more, to better myself without getting drowned in lack?
Daily Focus on Gratitude"
I see such truth in this. To have a daily focus on gratitude changes everything. I have toyed around with this idea and done it on and off but with my word of the year being abundance and seeing how intimately linked this is to gratitude I can only imagine that starting each day in gratitude would make a huge shift.
Do you have a daily gratitude ritual that works for you? Maybe you would like to start one with me. I will keep you posted on how this evolves for me.
Michelle, I love your month of hearts idea! And YES, I wholeheartedly agree with you! Appreciating what we have is soooo very important... :)