You know how there are things in life that you know aren’t really good for you but you keep doing them anyway? Who knows why…fear, comfort, obligation…whatever the reason, it works like glue and keeps you stuck. That’s pretty much how working at the vet clinic was for me. Sure, there were parts of the job I enjoyed but there were so many other issues going on that just didn’t sit well with my soul but I stayed anyway.
Well, back in September I had a minor foot surgery and I was home for a few weeks recovering and when I got back to work I knew I couldn’t do it anymore. I gave my notice that day and everything since then has showed me that it was the absolute perfect decision.
When my last day came and went I wondered what I would do next. I knew with my foot still healing I couldn’t get a “job” and with the holidays coming I didn’t really want one so I decided that I would make it my job focus on myself.
I started by pulling out my law of attraction books and starting to read. I popped the CD’s in my car while I drove. I wore out my YouTube with Abraham Hicks videos (there are soooo many great ones). Everyday my job is to spend time feeling good so I can raise my vibration. That is not a bad deal my friends! I mean seriously, when your job is to feel good how can you not love going to work?!
And the funny thing is that as soon as I started tuning in to feeling good I was compelled to clean the hell out of my house! I decluttered, donated piles of things, organized all different zones and it feels really good. I started making healthy meals for the family again and getting shit done that had been waiting for my attention.
And, let me tell you a little secret. By focusing on magnetizing money to myself and keeping track of money coming in through random ways, I realized I actually made more then I had working my couple of days at my J.O.B! That was an exciting day.
And, let me tell you a little secret. By focusing on magnetizing money to myself and keeping track of money coming in through random ways, I realized I actually made more then I had working my couple of days at my J.O.B! That was an exciting day.
After my domestic life seemed to come together so nicely it became glaringly obvious to me that my truest passion is The Creative Healing Studio and being a Creative Healing Coach. I have known this for years and yet I have let outside circumstances and inside limiting beliefs keep me from truly giving myself to it 100%.
No more my Creative Friends! I am stepping back into my dream and focusing all of my attention on sharing the amazing power of Creative Healing and I couldn’t be more excited about it.
Keep your eyes open for my next post. I will be sharing some of the things I’ve been doing to keep me on track and energetically in tune with my Soul’s desire.
Until then I would love for you to think about where you might want to see some changes in your life moving into 2018? Think of all of the different areas of your life and where something is missing so you can make some change too.

You can use this circle of life to give you a visual representation of your life or just draw a circle on a piece of paper. Ask yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 where you fall in each category and plot it on the circle with the center being zero and the outside circle being a 10 and see which areas could use a little TLC. Realization is the first step to change.
I would like to end today with huge gratitude to all of you who have supported me throughout the years. I want to create a safe and loving community with amazing women that revolves around Creative Healing and I am so grateful that you are a part of that.
With that I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and connection and will be talking to you again next week.
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