Monday, November 27, 2017

Secrets to Changing Your Life

Hello my creative friends,

I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving and you are ready for the upcoming holiday season. I am really excited about it. I have had problems with overwhelm in years past that always started with Thanksgiving but I actively set my intention that this Thanksgiving would be the easiest, most fun and relaxing Thanksgiving ever and it was! I am doing the same with Christmas this year and I would like to invite you to do the same. 

How do you want to feel this holiday season? What are your big rocks and how are you going to let go of the sand to make room? How can you add in downtime to replenish yourself so that you can be your best for all of those around you? I would love to hear your secrets. I will post a thread on myFacebook page for you to tell me all about it.

Now, I promised you my new secrets for completely shifting my life in just about a month and I am here to deliver. 

  1. Law of Attraction- I know I talked about it in the last email but I have to start here because this is really the basis of it all. I dove into Abraham Hicks teaching. I pulled out the two books I have by them, Law of Attraction and Power of Emotions. Both of those books came with audios too so I started playing them over and over again in the car. It took me time to wrap my brain around all of it so listening to it repeatedly really helped.

    I would also read a small section of a book each day sometimes just opening to a page and trusting that the message I most needed to hear would show itself.

    I found all kinds of YouTube videos that I watched. Whenever I had a question about how to apply the law I would Google it and find a video that was perfect. My favorite video that I watch every morning as soon as I wake up, most times before I even get out of bed  can be found here.  This was absolutely the best thing I have done for myself in…well…ever.
  2. Meditation- For years I have been telling myself, “Girl, you need to meditate! Why aren’t you meditating? You know it is good for you. You know you like it. What is your problem?” No more! I have committed to meditating for just 15 minutes a day and I have been doing it faithfully.  Many days it ends up being longer but 15 minutes is a manageable amount of time for me to commit to.

    I downloaded the Insight Timer app that is completely free and loaded with amazing guided meditations. It has a timer with the most soothing bells so I can just sit in meditation too. I love that it tracks my progress and the time spent meditating. It is completely addictive and I love it.

    If you aren’t meditating, I would like to invite you to give it a try. There are so many health and wellness benefits for everyone and I have found that it allows you time to connect with your higher self...the part of you that makes your hair grow and your heart beat, the part that wants the best for you and supports you in everything you do and let’s be honest, who doesn’t need more of that in their life right? If you decide to use the Insight Timer (which I hope you do cuz it’s awesome!) be sure to find me and be my meditating friend. Just search for my email (
  3. Vision Point Journal- This has been a game changer for me! If you are familiar with Bullet Journaling, this is what I started with. If you don’t know what I am talking about you can check it out here.

    I have had a bullet journal before where I would keep track of everything and I even wrote a post about it a couple of years ago but the problem was the momentum never stuck. I would start out gung ho and use it all of the time and slowly it would fizzle away and that would be the end of it.

    This time I decided to do something different and add my Freedom Art techniques to it. I sat down and wrote an intention for how I wanted to feel and I created a vision page right there in my journal. I did witness writing to further get the messages the creative exercise was sending. I used a cheapy glue stick and some magazines lying around and I loved it so much. It connected me to what my soul’s deepest longing was and the more I went into my journal to look at it, the more I was connected to that part of myself.

    It has been crazy good because the messages that come through are the things my soul wants me to do and I have so much energy around them because it feels good and I want to do it more than I ever wanted to do anything. What previously had seemed like a horrible chore suddenly became so exciting to accomplish and yes, that even means organizing my yarn stash!!!

    The great thing about it is the flexibility. You can make it entirely your own. You can do a monthly page or a weekly page like I do. I had started out with the monthly page but there just wasn’t enough juice to keep me in flow and connected to my higher self so I started doing it every week. Let me tell you, my Vision Point Journal day is my favorite day of the week. I get so excited because I get to play with my art materials and connect with what I want and it feels so good and that energy keeps me going through the whole week.

    Every morning I get up and look at my Vision page and I read my intention and some days I read my witness writing because there is a lot of juicy stuff in there too. It is such a great way to start my day. As the day goes on I am constantly in there checking my to do’s, making lists, keeping track of what I am doing and each time I open it I am connected with something greater than myself. I love that!
I hope those three tips will be helpful for you to try out and see if they resonate with you. I have seriously been feeling so good these days that I just had to share them with all of you and invite you into my happy little creation. 

I am definitely going to be creating some offerings in the new year online and in my home studio around the Vision Point Journal that I think you are going to love. I also want to start off the year with a Vision Board workshop. It's a great time of year to jump start. We can use the Vision Boards as our north star for our Vision Point Journals.

I am so excited and want to be sure that I give you everything you need so please send me an email and let me know about your experience with Vision Boards, Bullet Journals, or Vision Pages. Tell me what you want to learn, what you want to experience and how I can help make that a reality for you. If you have any questions I would love to be able to answer them as well. As I said, I really want to create a community that will embrace you all and I am inviting you to be a part of that creation. 

xo Michelle xo

Monday, November 20, 2017

Big Changes Coming

You know how there are things in life that you know aren’t really good for you but you keep doing them anyway? Who knows why…fear, comfort, obligation…whatever the reason, it works like glue and keeps you stuck. That’s pretty much how working at the vet clinic was for me. Sure, there were parts of the job I enjoyed but there were so many other issues going on that just didn’t sit well with my soul but I stayed anyway.  
Well, back in September I had a minor foot surgery and I was home for a few weeks recovering and when I got back to work I knew I couldn’t do it anymore. I gave my notice that day and everything since then has showed me that it was the absolute perfect decision. 
When my last day came and went I wondered what I would do next. I knew with my foot still healing I couldn’t get a “job” and with the holidays coming I didn’t really want one so I decided that I would make it my job focus on myself. 
I started by pulling out my law of attraction books and starting to read. I popped the CD’s in my car while I drove. I wore out my YouTube with Abraham Hicks videos (there are soooo many great ones). Everyday my job is to spend time feeling good  so I can raise my vibration. That is not a bad deal my friends!  I mean seriously, when your job is to feel good how can you not love going to work?!
And the funny thing is that as soon as I started tuning in to feeling good I was compelled to clean the hell out of my house!   I decluttered, donated piles of things,  organized all different zones and it feels really good. I started making healthy meals for the family again and getting shit done that had been waiting for my attention.

And, let me tell you a little secret. By focusing on magnetizing money to myself and keeping track of money coming in through random ways, I realized I actually made more then I had working my couple of days at my J.O.B! That was an exciting day.

After my domestic life seemed to come together so nicely it became glaringly obvious to me that my truest passion is The Creative Healing Studio and being a Creative Healing Coach. I have known this for years and yet I have let outside circumstances and inside limiting beliefs keep me from truly giving myself to it 100%. 
No more my Creative Friends! I am stepping back into my dream and focusing all of my attention on sharing the amazing power of Creative Healing and I couldn’t be more excited about it. 
Keep your eyes open for my next post. I will be sharing some of the things I’ve been doing to keep me on track and energetically in tune with my Soul’s desire. 
Until then I would love for you to think about where you might want to see some changes in your life moving into 2018? Think of all of the different areas of your life and where something is missing so you can make some change too.

You can use this circle of life to give you a visual representation of your life or just draw a circle on a piece of paper. Ask yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 where you fall in each category and plot it on the circle with the center being zero and the outside circle being a 10 and see which areas could use a little TLC. Realization is the first step to change.
I would like to end today with huge gratitude to all of you who have supported me throughout the years. I want to create a safe and loving community with amazing women that revolves around Creative Healing and I am so grateful that you are a part of that. 
With that I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and connection and will be talking to you again next week. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February Vision Portrait

February's Vision Portrait started with an image I already had. I was leading a class and needed a new portrait and this one seemed like a good fit. 

I started out with some chalk pastels on the face and then added some oil pastel flames on the forehead. Then I moved onto magazines for collage. 

The class I was leading was a shortened class and only had 40 minutes of art time. The above picture is what I completed at the end of that class. 

Here is another progress shot. Adding more and more color and texture was so fun and the time seemed to fly by.

I couldn't stop. Eventually I was left with just my eyes and a riot of bursting color. So fun!

Here is a little close up of the hot side. So much goodness going on. 

And here is a close up of the cool side. 

I am loving these Vision Portraits. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January Witness

One of the things I learned through taking the Facilitator Training at Open Studio Project is to do an overall witness to a group of work you do. When we spend a weekend at the studio we put all of our work together and witness it as a whole. It is amazing how even things that don't seem to go together weave themselves into a powerful story.

I have decided to incorporate this practice into my work at home. As I complete a piece I tape it up onto a blank wall in my home and continually add to it. At the end of the month I can witness it all and then take it down and start fresh.

I always start with an intention and this month's intention was:

I see who I am through my art and I use what I learn to improve my life. 

I look at what is there. I write my impressions, what I learned, and what I need to learn. I ask questions and scribble the answers.

Here is some of what I learned:

  • Finger painting is fun
  • I love oil pastels more than I ever thought I could
  • Playing is fun
  • I love color
  • Perfect is overrated 
  • Darkness isn't always bad and sometimes you have to go through the dark to get to the light
  • The journey is better than the destination
  • I always get what I need
  • When I am fueled by self love and worthiness I make wise choices in my life. 
  • I love my life and my family

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January Painting Journey

My favorite kind of painting is Intuitive Painting. I love to start with no idea where I am going or what I am doing. Just playing around with colors and and seeing what emerges. 

It's especially fun when you add some of your own custom made stamps. 

It always amazes me how something can start out one way and take such a dramatic shift. 

When I am painting I am tapped into my emotions and if something starts to feel a bit constrictive I want to stay very present to that feeling and let it amplify and move through me.

Zooming in you can see a lot of scratching and etching into the paint at this layer. This was in reaction to the strong emotions I had. I spent a lot of time at this layer allowing it all to come through and out.

And then there was something more. I saw a face and I knew it needed to come through. Gently, slowly I brought her forward 

At each step I asked what it was she needed and I kept listening and adding 

In the end it was begging for light and play. Fun little flowers, dashes of color and a whole lot of light heartedness. 

When I work in this way I never know what I am going to get but I always get what I need. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Year of Vision Portraits

I love it when I am working on something and I get into the flow. It feels so good to have the energy rushing and things that come together effortlessly. That is why I love Freedom Art so much. It isn't about making something that has to look a certain way. It is about expressing yourself, playing and having fun. 

That is what I am doing with my new Vision Portraits. I took a picture of myself, turned it black and white and blew it up to 18" x 24" and then let loose on it with collage, chalk markers and chalk pastels. It was so much fun and the coolest thing about it is that it really ended up feeling like a bit of a vision board for where I was at that point in my life. 

The interesting twist is to use your own image as the canvas. OMG, at first I thought I might die. I did not enjoy looking at myself blown up to that size and yet I know that there is so much healing to be done around my own ideas of self worth and self acceptance through facing myself in this way. 

The amazing thing is that once I got started I almost forgot I was working on...well me. LOL. I had such a blast and go so many great insights that I decided to keep going and make more. One for each month of the year is my goal. This one is January's.