Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Two Year Anniversary!

Two years ago I started this blog and I had no idea what was in store for me. I only knew I had a calling to incorporate more creativity, color and vibrancy into my life.

I dove in with all my heart to learn…techniques, styles, anything…I just wanted to learn. I traveled around the country taking classes and I signed up for many online classes as well. It was a feverish desire to learn the secret illusive thing that would get me to where I wanted to be.

Then there was a bit of a shift. It started at the beginning of the year. I had chosen “responsibility” as my word for the year and I had decided it just wasn’t responsible to be taking all these trips when the money would be useful in other areas of my life. I took an online class and decided that it just wasn’t for me. I didn’t want to “do” anyone else’s style anymore. It just didn’t fit.
Meanwhile I was beginning to spend more time going inward, learning to listen to myself more than the outside world. I was introduced to the Akashic Records and it seemed like a lost part of my soul began to wake. I had this inner calm, a sense of knowing that even though things didn’t seem to be moving forward, they were exactly as they needed to be.

With this new found connection to my higher self, I began to see things unfolding in the most synchronistic way. Things I had secretly desired began to appear in my life. Things I didn’t even know I needed began to emerge and it is from this moment that I can look back and see the perfection in what has unfolded.   

My thinking mind had a plan…it knew exactly where I “needed” to go. It couldn’t seem to make it happen but it could clearly see the end point and longed to figure out how to get there. When I let go of the “plan” and began to trust and live from a place of connection with my higher self, things began to unfold in the most natural way. I suddenly became focused when previously I was scattered. I was able to work in complete flow, loving every minute of it. Things began to take shape and effortlessly bloom.

Is it what my thinking mind thought I wanted or needed?
Absolutely not!
It isn’t anything I ever dreamed of but it is a perfect fit.
I don’t know what the future will hold. I have given up trying to plan. I am letting go into a deep trust that is carrying me to places I never knew existed for me. Will it keep me here at The Creative Healing Studio? I don’t know…only time will tell.

It is with complete gratitude that I celebrate my two year anniversary here on this blog and it is with complete trust that I go out into the third year knowing that whatever happens will be perfect.

I promise, the secret will come out in August. ;o)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Energy shift

Have you ever noticed that you can be tooling along, enjoying your life with everything going great and you wake up one day and you feel totally different? You don’t know why. Nothing has changed, you just feel different. What felt great yesterday, feels annoying today. What brought you joy last week, makes you feel antsy or anxious.
It’s the strangest thing and I don’t know why it happens. I will sometimes sit and think about what could be causing it. Is there some unconscious thing happening? Am I getting sick? Am I having PMS? What the heck happened?

Energy is an amazing thing. It flows and it moves and it gets stuck at times as well. When things are fluid and free moving everything seems great but there are times that energy can get stuck. There can be a myriad of reasons and sometimes it’s helpful to work through it but other times it’s just OK to get the energy moving again and not worry about the why.
Here are a few ways to shift your energy.
Go for a walk- Get the energy moving through your body. Walk with the purpose of being in the moment. Feel how you are feeling as your body moves along the terrain. See the sights around you. How do they make you feel? Does your environment uplift you or does it make you anxious or drain you. Pay attention.

Create a light hearted piece of art- Get out some colors and doodle, smear the paint around and just have fun. Rip out beautiful images from catalogs and magazines and create your own beautiful image. Doodle on it with pens and write uplifting words to yourself. Have fun without any preconceived notions of how it will turn out.
Purge- Take some time alone and write out every thought that is going on in your head The good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Don’t censor yourself. Allow the emotions to flow. Stay in the moment with what is happening and if you notice a judging voice pop up, thank it for its concern and tell it you are perfectly safe and continue to let it all out. When you finish, you can burn the pages and watch them go up in smoke. You will feel lighter.

Practice gratitude- I know this is an old standby but it can’t be forgotten for the way it can shift a mood. Start simple if you can’t find much to be grateful for and see where your energy leads you. Try to feel the emotions that rise up. When you are feeling grateful for your family, spend a moment feeling how that feels in your body, let it grow and expand and fill you up. You will find that each swell in emotion will carry you higher into the next emotion of gratitude and it will grow like a wave that moves through the ocean toward the shore. Ride the wave.
Be present- Sometimes you need to have downtime. You can’t live your whole life in an elated state of mind. There has to be ups and downs. There has to be moments when you are out in the world and then there are times when you pull back within yourself to reflect. It is natural and it is healthy. Stay in the moment and experience it all.

No matter what, be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself as you would a small, sad child. Nurture yourself and be patient. This too will pass.