Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February Vision Portrait

February's Vision Portrait started with an image I already had. I was leading a class and needed a new portrait and this one seemed like a good fit. 

I started out with some chalk pastels on the face and then added some oil pastel flames on the forehead. Then I moved onto magazines for collage. 

The class I was leading was a shortened class and only had 40 minutes of art time. The above picture is what I completed at the end of that class. 

Here is another progress shot. Adding more and more color and texture was so fun and the time seemed to fly by.

I couldn't stop. Eventually I was left with just my eyes and a riot of bursting color. So fun!

Here is a little close up of the hot side. So much goodness going on. 

And here is a close up of the cool side. 

I am loving these Vision Portraits. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January Witness

One of the things I learned through taking the Facilitator Training at Open Studio Project is to do an overall witness to a group of work you do. When we spend a weekend at the studio we put all of our work together and witness it as a whole. It is amazing how even things that don't seem to go together weave themselves into a powerful story.

I have decided to incorporate this practice into my work at home. As I complete a piece I tape it up onto a blank wall in my home and continually add to it. At the end of the month I can witness it all and then take it down and start fresh.

I always start with an intention and this month's intention was:

I see who I am through my art and I use what I learn to improve my life. 

I look at what is there. I write my impressions, what I learned, and what I need to learn. I ask questions and scribble the answers.

Here is some of what I learned:

  • Finger painting is fun
  • I love oil pastels more than I ever thought I could
  • Playing is fun
  • I love color
  • Perfect is overrated 
  • Darkness isn't always bad and sometimes you have to go through the dark to get to the light
  • The journey is better than the destination
  • I always get what I need
  • When I am fueled by self love and worthiness I make wise choices in my life. 
  • I love my life and my family