In an effort to find something to do creatively outside of the mandalas that I've been making for Inner Alignment Mandalas, I decided to jump into my Pinterest Boards and see what I could come up with for inspiration.
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I have had this big chunky necklace pinned on my Crafty Craft board for ages. I love the combination of colors!
Source: Christy Tomlinson |
Not long ago I pinned these paperclay hearts and I decided to combine them and create my own fun jewelery.
I started with some air dray clay and made a shape that I stamped with my word of the year. Then I went to town beading. It was so fun to do something a little different and I am happy with the results.
Then I was so inspired I made another on and I have to say I love it!
It's been great fun to step outside of my creative box and try something new.
Have you been doing any creative projects that are out of your norm?