Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Is Time Passing You By?

Reprinted from 2009

Sitting in my office this afternoon I looked out my window at the tree in my front yard. My pumpkin colored wall framed the brilliant orange and red leaves. In the moment that I looked up, my breath was taken away. There was such beauty there with the deep orange and crimson colored leaves. Right here in the middle of the suburbs with the mini vans whizzing by.

The funny thing is that I am sure that tree has been that color for days now and in my rush to get everything done and to be everywhere I need to be, I never “saw” it. It got me thinking about all of the beauty that I’ve been missing as the days speed by in the life of the ever hectic mom.

How many days have gone by where I’ve missed the sparkle of the sun shining through my window for that brief moment in the middle of the day? When was the last time I really listened to the buzzing of the bees as they go about their busy work in my garden? I can’t remember the last time I took time out of my life to just go for a walk in the woods and breathe in the fresh air and admire the beauty of nature.

Then it really hit me. What else had I been missing? The greatest beauty of any mom’s day…the beauty of a child’s smile or their light hearted giggle? Have I truly taken time to savor all of those moments that occur spontaneously throughout the day? Do I give my children single pointed focus when they are speaking to me? Do I genuinely look at them; see them for who they are? How often do I savor my sweet boys, engulf myself in their scent and just be with them in the moment?

I have a 17 year old son who is graduating high school in January. As it seems every wise and “mature” parent will tell you, the time flies by. I can’t believe that he is a young man and no longer wants to cuddle and snuggle with me. I know I have had many beautiful moments with him and all of my boys and I want more. I don’t want to miss them.

As a mom of five boys I am acutely aware of how busy life can be and how much there is to get done in one day. I am deciding today to schedule in cuddle time, snuggle time and lovin’ time with my boys just as I do dentist appointments and grocery shopping. I am committing to practice giving my children my undivided attention. No more reading my email while they are talking to me or doing something else while they are trying to tell me a story.

I invite you to join me in this experiment to see how differently your days play out. I am willing to bet that not only will it bring you joy and happiness but it will affect your children in a powerful way. They will not only feel the love that you have for them but they will be learning how to be in the moment themselves.

As I sat here typing, my youngest son Aidan just came up to me and climbed into my lap. I immediately stopped what I was doing, wrapped my arms around him and began the automatic mommy rock. In that moment, I was overcome with the love that is always available for me but that I don’t always take the time to feel. It brought a tear to my eye. In about 60 seconds it was over. He jumped off and ran off to finish his homework. I looked up at that autumn tree and sent it a wave of gratitude for allowing me to see its beauty and the beauty that is all around me.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Before I started The Creative Healing Studio I actually had another blog that was more nutrition based. I shared recipes, food facts, and health tips on top of my insights and stories about my life and family.

Recently I went back and looked over some of those posts and I decided there were a few good ones I would like to share with my new friends over here.  I will most likely add some original artwork since I wasn't creating back then and only used boring photos I found on the web.

I plan to sprinkle them in here and there and I just wanted to give you a heads up. I hope you enjoy them!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Do you remember when I created my mosaic soul art? I really loved that project. I loved making the healing mosaic mandalas too. There is just something about creating art with healing and positive affirmations that lights me up!

 I originally made 9 of them and I have 5 left. I've put two of them up in my Etsy shop if you are interested. Check out the affirmations and see if they resonate with you.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Resting the Body, Mind, & Spirit

I sometimes wish I was the kind of person who gets reflective and deep when I get sick. You know, writing poetry, creating masterpieces, or even just journaling. But no, I'm the kind of girl who veges out on the couch and watches TV. I feel like I could get so much accomplished if I only could focus on my art or my writing while I lounge around on the sofa.

But then I think that I sometimes need a break too. I'm always thinking, learning, reading, creating, writing, talking, helping, or doing. I guess when my body needs a break the mind needs one too.

On top of that, I spend a part of everyday being reflective and diving deep into my own healing and growth so what the heck, another reason to rest the mind and soul.

So you might have guessed that I've been a bit under the weather the past few weeks. Let me tell you, it was a doozy! Three plus weeks sitting on the couch has caught me up on all the shows in my DVR from the whole season and then some.

I'm so glad to feel the creative urge alive inside me again. I've just been playing around a bit and I've been working out some new techniques that I'm super psyched about. I guess I'm just getting back in the groove again.

I'm looking forward to connecting with all you wonderful people here in the bloggy world again. I've missed all of you! I'm curious, what do you do when you're sick. Maybe you can give me some  pointers.